Marco Ridoni (38)

GixSQL v1.0.20 "final" is out

GixSQL v1.0.20 has been published in its final form. This version brings, among the other fixes, a lot of internal changes that have eliminated some memory leaks and should make the runtime libraries in general more stable and less memory-hungry. A complete list of the features and fixes contained in this release follows. Available, as usual, on the Release page on GitHub. As usual, donations or sponsors are welcome.

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GixSQL v1.0.20dev1 is out

It took a bit more than expected, but GixSQL v1.0.20dev1 is finally out. Though being labeled as a "dev" release, it is almost final. I am releasing it to shake down a few possible bugs before the proper v1.0.20 release that, barring any showstopper bug I didn't catch, should come in a few days. This version brings, among the other fixes, a lot of internal changes that have eliminated some memory leaks and should make…

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January update

Happy New Year! The work on GixSQL is progressing and v1.0.20 is on the operating table (or on the assembly line, depending on your metaphor of choice). I have pushed the corresponding branch on GitHub and I am updating it regularly. GixSQL v1.0.20 will see not only new features and fixes, but also a notable number of modifications to improve memory usage and reliability: the codebase has been almost totally moved from its C origins…

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Gix-IDE v1.1.1 is out

This is a release for Gix-IDE that improves on 1.1.1 and fixes a few problems. The "standard" debugger is still the recommended one, but the "experimental" version is functional both on Windows and Linux. This release also arrives with new binary packages for Debian 10 and 11. Binary packages available A summary of new features and fixes Known bugs and issues Available, as usual, on the Release page on GitHub. As usual, donations or sponsors are welcome.

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Gix-IDE: December update

In the last few days I have committed several improvements and fixes to GitHub. New features and fixes Known bugs and issues All of this will be part of a v1.1.1 release that should be available after the necessary testing phase, probably in a week or two, surely before the Christmas holidays. As usual, donations or sponsors are welcome.

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