January update

Happy New Year! The work on GixSQL is progressing and v1.0.20 is on the operating table (or on the assembly line, depending on your metaphor of choice). I have pushed the corresponding branch on GitHub and I am updating it regularly.

GixSQL v1.0.20 will see not only new features and fixes, but also a notable number of modifications to improve memory usage and reliability: the codebase has been almost totally moved from its C origins and migrated (sort of) to more modern C++ constructs.

The test suite has been modified and, being written in C#/.Net Core, can also be easily run on Linux. The corresponding documentation on how to use and extend it will be provided in the release. Moreover, the test suite can also be run in GitHub Actions (or locally with ACT) and provides a hook to run the tests under Valgrind (on LInux) or DrMemory (on Windows).

I still have not set a release date or an ETA for the v1.0.20 milestone, it will reasonably take me a couple more weeks - barring unforeseen problems and work commitments - to see how the work is going and give an estimate; I simply don't want to say "X weeks" when it is going to take "Y".

You can check the current progress on the v1.0.20 milestone page: issues that are technically "closed" in the branch but still open for some reason (mainly the need for more tests or the fact that they will need some modification along the line due to the integration of the code for a different issue) are marked as "ready".